How Does Dry Needling Contribute to Stress Reduction in Edmonton?
In the dynamic landscape of physiotherapy, innovative techniques are continually emerging to address various musculoskeletal issues. One such technique gaining prominence is dry needling therapy, offered by In Step Physiotherapy in Edmonton. This article explores the principles of dry needling, its applications, and how In Step Physiotherapy incorporates this technique to promote holistic wellness. Understanding Dry Needling Dry needling is a minimally invasive procedure that involves inserting thin needles into specific points in the body, targeting trigger points or areas of tight muscle fibers. Unlike acupuncture, which is rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, dry needling therapy is based on Western medicine principles, focusing on the neuroanatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. How Does Dry Needling Work? The primary objective of dry needling is to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. The insertion of needles into trigger points prompts the release ...